Christmas Around the World (Audio Support)

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by Elly Smith Hellier/Living and Loving Primary

Price: 350 points or $3.5 USD

Subjects: informationalText,christmas,cultureAndSociety,ela,reading,litReadingComprehension,holiday

Grades: 1,2

Description: Children will find out about Christmas around the world. They will learn about traditions in other countries. They will use their reading comprehension skills to identify details to respond to WH questions. Audio support is provided for the text, questions, and answer choices by clicking on speaker buttons. Alt text is also provided. The sentences vary in complexity. Flow Magic was used to create the deck. The deck has maps, photos, and pictures. How to Use the Deck: - The children will click on a button on the menu to choose the country they want to learn about at that time. - They will read the information independently or use audio support to listen as they read. - They will read or listen to the question and three answer choices. - They will click on one answer choice. Extension activities can include comparing and contrasting, writing a story using characters that celebrate in one of the countries, and listing nouns from the illustrations. Enjoy the Holidays!!! "Boom™ is the trademark of Boom Learning. Used with permission." RI.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. RI.2.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.