Price: not for individual sale
Subjects: games,holiday,speech
Grades: 0
Description: Rules for Free the Gobbles Objective: Help the Gobbles family (Tommy, Turquisha, Tessa), and their friend Captain Coo escape the cage by finding the right key! The player who unlocks the cage and frees the Turkey family and their Pigeon friend wins the game. How to Play: 1- Pick a Card: On their turn, each player selects a card from the deck and reveals it. 2- Tap the Key: Tap the key under the card to test if it unlocks the cage. 3- If the cage doesn’t open, it’s the next player’s turn. Winning the Game: The game ends as soon as the cage is unlocked. The player who finds the right key and frees the Gobbles and Captain Coo is the winner!