Sensory Movement Break with Right and Left Challenges

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by OT for Schools

Price: 400 points or $4 USD

Subjects: health,ot,specialed

Grades: 15

Description: This fun Sensory Movement Break Boom Deck alternates between a movement activity followed by a challenge focusing on students knowing their right and left. No equipment needed just ready to use as is. The movement cards, state a recommended time or repetitions to complete. There is a Teacher button to click when your students have completed the activity or best effort is observed. On the challenge cards your students can click to answer themselves. There are stretch cards and deep breathing to finish. Children need to move to learn. A movement break can help children to regulate and re-focus before or following periods of seated work. Movement breaks provide essential input into the sensory systems in order to positively affect our ability to concentrate, listen to instructions and feel calm and alert for learning. How to use: 1. During Teletherapy sessions with one student or a group of students. You could start the session with the sensory movement break on a shared screen. In a group just select a student to answer the right and left challenge card. 2. In the classroom on the interactive white board with a group of students. You could add you own music and stop the music to answer the challenge card before continuing.