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by Bright Quizzes

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: math,holiday,mathElementary,multiplicationAndDivision,christmas,firstDayOfWinter,operationsAndAlgebraicThinking

Grades: 4,5,6

Description: Use this drag-and-drop, winter snowman themed deck to provide your students with a fun and engaging way to practice 3-digit by 1-digit multiplication with regrouping using the standard algorithm. The deck includes 30 cards, and it is set to play all 30 cards, in random order, each time the game is played. Each card in the deck includes both written and optional audio directions. On each card, students are tasked with dragging and dropping a number tile from the bottom of the card into each empty box to solve the problem. The deck supports the following standard: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.NBT.B.5 Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.