by Elly Smith Hellier/Living and Loving Primary
Price: 300 points or $3 USD
Subjects: ela,reading,foundationalSkills,phonics
Grades: 1
Description: Your students will practice identifying and spelling words with trigraph -igh. They will see colorful scenes with winter gnomes and a picture of a word spelled with -igh. Audio support is provided for each activity. The deck has three different types of activities for each word. There are 16 words spelled with -igh in the deck. Activity 1 - Your students will see a sentence with a word missing. They can read the sentence or click the speaker button to hear it. They will see a picture of the missing word. They will see three gnomes holding words. One will have the correct spelling of the missing -igh word. They will click on that word. Activity 2 - Your students will spell the same word as in Activity 1 with -igh chunked on the following card. They will drag the letters and -igh to spell the word, then click "Submit." Your students will complete both activities for all 16 words. Activity 3 - Your students will see a winter scene with two gnomes pointing to a picture. They can click on the speaker button to listen to the word. Then, they will type each letter to spell the word. In this activity, -igh is not chunked but the letters -igh are colored coded in orange. RF.1.3.C Know final -e and common vowel team conventions for representing long vowel sounds. RF.2.3.B Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams.