Find the word "Edmark Words" 40 to 80.

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by Statue HELPS Educators Lead Students.

Price: 350 points or $3.5 USD

Subjects: ela,reading,presentationOfKnowledge,speakingListening,englishSecondLanguage,eslVocab,specialed

Grades: 14,13,1,2

Description: This deck features words from the Edmark Reading Program, covering lessons 40 to 80. It consists of 39 cards, each with accompanying audio. The deck is designed to help students practice scanning words from left to right across a row to identify the word they hear. Each card contains 15 words, and students must correctly identify 6 words to progress to the next card. This deck offers an engaging and interactive way to reinforce word recognition and reading skills. . This deck is great to use for Whole group instruction, Homeschool Learning and Hybrid. It can be use in the smart boards, computers and tablets.