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by Bright Quizzes

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: math,holiday,mathElementary,operationsAndAlgebraicThinking,additionAndSubtraction,firstDayOfWinter,christmas

Grades: 1

Description: Use this multiple choice, gingerbread train themed deck to provide your students with a fun and engaging way to practice recognizing the 42 words included on the Dolch first grade sight word list. On each card, students listen to a sight word spoken aloud. Next, students are tasked with looking at each of ten sight words displayed in the windows of the gingerbread train, and they tap on the sight word they heard spoken aloud. The deck contains 41 cards, and the deck is set to play 20 cards at a time, in random order, each time the game is played. Each card in the deck includes both written and optional audio directions. The deck supports the following standard: CCSS.LITERACY.RF.1.3.g Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.