RH C Position - Castles, Level 2

deck thumbnail

by 3 Eighth Notes Music Studio

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: musicPiano,musicElementarySkills,music

Grades: 0

Description: 30 unique cards; 15 randomised per play. Uses six different time value notes for the five pitches in C position. This deck never mentions the time value names of the notes, so this deck can be used in any English speaking country, whether British-English or American-English. Time value note names include: Semibreve = Whole Note Dotted minim = Dotted half note Minim = Half Note Dotted Crotchet = Dotted quarter note Crotchet = Quarter note Quaver = Eighth note Click on the correct piano key with the letter name that matches the pitch on the treble clef staff for RH C Position. This deck DOES NOT INCLUDE the letter name written on the keys. Complies with audio, visual and motor accessibility, and can be played on any device; desk top computer, lap top computer, iPad or iPhone.