Building Bricks Articulation Initial, Medial, and Final K Sound Game for Speech Therapy

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by Bluebird Speech

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: speech,articulation

Grades: 0

Description: Simply move a building brick onto the target word after practicing. Kids will love filling in the person while practicing their K sounds or velar fronting remediation! Phonemes include: Initial K Level 1 Initial K Level 2 Medial K Level 1 Medial K Level 2 Final K Level 1 Final K Level 2 These Boom Cards are a drag and drop activity great for teletherapy and virtual learning in Speech Therapy. You get a total of 6 cards with 9 target words on each card! SLP Room Tip: One way to use bricks for articulation practice is to write target sounds on them and have the child practice producing the sound while building with the corresponding brick. For example, if the target sound is /s/, write "s" on a brick and have the child say "s" each time they add a brick with an "s" to their creation. This can make articulation practice more engaging and interactive.