Snow Globe Pragmatics for Winter Speech Therapy Commenting

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by Bluebird Speech

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: speech,earlyIntervention,holiday,firstDayOfWinter,christmas,modalitiesAAC,pragmatics

Grades: 0

Description: Simply click on a snowflake and practice the word or phrase! Kids will love to color the snowflakes and make them appear and disappear while practicing pragmatic language skills! Each snow globe has a hidden yeti diamond snowflake. Use your discretion to give a reward when found! Early pragmatic skills involve communicating intent through various communication acts. It's all about what kids do with language (function). This product addresses 3 functions of language: 1. Directives - used to direct actions or make requests 2. Comments - used to comment on an attribute 3. Locatives - used to describe the location in reference to something else Practice pragmatic functions and core or fringe vocabulary on AAC devices! Great for gestalt language processors. These Boom Cards are an interactive activity great for teletherapy and virtual learning in Speech Therapy. It's great during Winter, Christmas, Hanukkah, and Yeti themes in speech therapy! You get a total of 6 cards with 9 target words on each card!