Halloween Spot the Match | Addition and Subitizing 1 to 13

deck thumbnail

by LOL - Life of Learning

Price: 0 points or $0 USD

Subjects: math

Grades: 14,13,1,2

Description: This 20-card game (played 15 cards at a time) can be played alone or in groups. To play alone, simply click the two items on each card that represent the same number. To play in in-class settings, students can share an iPad between them and be the first to click the two matching items. In a distance learning situation, the teacher can control the screen and have students tell or write the answer in the chat bar for a point. Each time you open the deck, it will randomize the pages as well as the items within each square to be in a different order so you can practice with the same board again and again. If you like this game, here's a 73-page autumn subitizing game. https://wow.boomlearning.com/deck/q-yQbN2DfYvBbX5YgRY?ref=tpt This one is for counting and subitizing numbers 0 to 12 in a Valentine's Day theme. https://wow.boomlearning.com/deck/q-4zaueatsZsnGkYo3z?ref=tpt