Fun, Unwanted or Hurtful Teasing-An SEL Boom Deck

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by Jen's Decks

Price: 225 points or $2.25 USD

Subjects: sel,socialAspectsOfCommunication,socialInteractionsAndGroupBehavior,specialed

Grades: 3,4,5,6,7

Description: In this deck, there are 6 instructional cards describing the difference between fun, unwanted, and hurtful teasing. Then there are 24 playing cards for students to check fun, unwanted, or hurtful teasing based on the situations. This is a great Boom deck to play after books such as Just Kidding by Trudy Ludwig or other books about teasing. This Boom deck will help students recognize the different nuances in teasing and honor other people's requests to set boundaries with them when they want them to stop.