Sky Articulation

deck thumbnail

by Josee-Anne Becotte, SLP

Price: 500 points or $5 USD

Subjects: speech,specialed

Grades: 13,1,2,3,4

Description: Put some stars in the sky with this fun articulation BOOM ™ deck. Many targets are included in this deck, as well as an instruction page. Choose your target sound on the instruction page. Once on the chosen card, find either words at the bottom of the page. Drag these onto the sky and try to make a fun shape! An idea of what you can create is provided on the top right corner of every card. Targets: s initial, medial, final z initial, medial, final sl blends sp blends st blends sl blends sm blends r initial, medial, final vocalic er, ear, or, air k initial, medial, final g initial, medial, final l initial, medial, final