How Questions- organize your ideas!

A file or printable companion for Boom Cards

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by Capuchin SLP

Price: 200 points or $2 USD


Grades: 14,13,1,2,3

Description: There are 4 types of how questions: 1-Quantity how questions: how many? How much? 2-Quality how questions: Quality how questions are all about using your 5 senses to gain information about what’s going on around you. These are questions like “how does it feel?” or “how does it taste?” 3-Extent how questions: “how excited are you?” or “how hot is it outside?”. These are all questions that will be answered with a range of severities or intensities. 4-Procedural how questions: These are questions that ask how something is done. This type of questions is addressed in this activity! The child can ask or answer procedural how questions using these flashcards. Using words like “first”, “then”, and “last” will help your child organize her thoughts better and make sure everything comes out in a logical manner. Total slides=12.