A file or printable companion for Boom Cards
Price: 500 points or $5 USD
Grades: 13,1,2,3,4
Description: Social Skills Printable 30 Scenarios | Appropriate v. Inappropriate Behaviors is a Print & Go activity that targets social skills and behavior. Are your students learning about appropriate versus inappropriate behavior? Working on improving behavior skills in school and at home? Working on understanding and discussing emotions? This resource includes 30 short scenarios with adorable clip art. Students will respond to yes/no questions in relation to appropriate versus inappropriate behaviors, as well as open ended questions to reflect on the scenario, develop perspective taking, understand emotions, and connect to the situation. Also included are picture sorts for appropriate versus inappropriate behaviors (e.g. waiting in line patiently, shouting with a very loud voice, etc.). **WHEN PRINTING, BE SURE TO CHOOSE 'FIT TO PRINTABLE AREA **