Printable: Five Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate

A file or printable companion for Boom Cards

File Thumbnail

by Tiffany Brodsky

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: halloween,firstDayOfAutumn,reading,literature,ela

Grades: 14,13,1

Description: Enjoy the retelling of Five Little Pumpkins with a new images! Print out multiple copies for your students, make a class 8." by 11" class book, and/or read in Easel or in your PDF reader! (Most browsers now allow you to open PDFs right in them!) Includes: 1 Story AND a PDF format to be printed and/or read in a PDF reader (Adobe, Google Chrome, Firefox, etc.) Tips for Usuage: 1. Read the text to the class. 2. Have students echo read after you. 3. Have students partner read with their friend or friends (preferably same level) to further practice; correct students as needed. You may wish to pull some small groups over to you one at a time. 4. Have students partner read to further practice (strong reader with weaker reader). 5. Let student practice on their own and take turns reading to you and/or the class. (This can be their choice.) This is a terrific story to read to the class on Halloween, have partners read together, or to add to your small group work or your centers or class library. Enjoy! Copyright 2023 Tiffany Brodsky. All rights are reserved. Common Core (FL Standard): CCSSRF.K.2a ( K.F.2.2.a: ) The student will recognize rhyming words. CCSSRF.1.4b (1.F.1.F.4:) The student will read grade-level text aloud with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings.