A file or printable companion for Boom Cards
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Description: FREE sample of the Numbers edition worksheets from my busy book series Back to basics! Take a look at how cute these reusable pages are for your preschool & Kindergarten kids! ⭐️THIS IS A FREE SAMPLE OF THE RESOURCE BELOW. THIS FREE SAMPLE WILL NOT INCLUDE ALL OF THE PAGES. THE DESCRIPTION IS WHAT YOU WILL FIND IN THE FULL VERSION. IN THIS SAMPLE PDF YOU WILL RECEIVE 4 PAGES TO VIEW THE QUALITY AND VALUE YOU WILL BE GETTING. ENOJY YOUR FREE DOWNLOAD!⭐️ Visually engaging back to school/end of year worksheets for pre-k & kindergarten teachers| early childhood distance learning| NUMBERS & COUNTING activities no prep worksheets for homeschool or classroom workbook for kids ages 3-5 Learn to identify, read, and write numbers 1-20. A perfect study guide book for preschool and kindergarten assessment testing. In this book you will find: 21 number basics pages- Identify, trace and count to 20 20 counting crayon pages- count the crayons, read the number, and then write the number 20 continue counting pages- look at the numbers on the ruler and identify the missing number 4 number match pages- read the numbers on the left and then connect them to the numbers on the right 20 school supply pages- read and identify the number, circle the backpack with the correct amount of items 2 count and color pages- identify numbers 1-10, count and color the correct amount of gold stars on the behavior chart 10 i spy number pages- read the number, and the circle the match once you've found it 97 total