Multiplying and Dividing Decimals

A file or printable companion for Boom Cards

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by Unique in Primary

Price: 300 points or $3 USD


Grades: 5

Description: I created this product to support my students understanding of decimals. They will be multiplying decimals, comparing decimals, word form decimals, standard form decimals, area models, expanded form decimals and more! X2 pages multiplying decimals with place value chart X2 pages multiplying numbers with place value chart X2 pages sprint: multiplying decimals X2 pages dividing decimals with place value chart X2 pages expanded form decimals (write them in standard form) X2 pages expanded form (write the standard form in expanded form) X2 pages word form decimals (write them in standard form) X2 pages comparing word form decimals X2 pages word form (write the decimals in word form) X2 pages area models (multiplying decimals) I plan on using these as a small group instruction for students who do need some extra practice with decimals.