Printable Treasure Hunt Board Game Language Skills

A file or printable companion for Boom Cards

File Thumbnail

by Pinwheel Speech Products

Price: 300 points or $3 USD


Grades: 13,1,2,3,4

Description: Directions: These board games are designed to be used with speech and language students to address various language skills. The games can be printed and played traditionally or played digitally on the screen with moveable pieces. You Will Need: A game marker for each student A die or spinner with numbers How To Play: Place the game board on the table. Each student takes a turn rolling the die, moving the appropriate number of spaces and completing the task (option 2: have them complete all tasks as they go). The first player to reach the end wins the game! Skills Addressed: Actions (with visuals) Winter Vocabulary (with visuals) - Name or describe the item. Naming the category (text) Naming items in a category (text) What Doesn’t Belong? (text) Compare and Contrast (text) Regular Plurals (text) Irregular Plurals (text) Regular Past Tense Verbs (text) Irregular Past Tense (text) Antonyms (text) Synonyms (text) Idioms (text) Conversation skills (text) Open-Ended Board game *Digital Boom Card version also available!