Fine Motor Developmental Milestones Quick Reference Booklet

A file or printable companion for Boom Cards

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by Box of OT

Price: 200 points or $2 USD


Grades: 0

Description: This fine motor developmental milestones quick reference booklet covers a range of fine motor skills, including pencil grasp, in-hand manipulation, handwriting, coloring and scissor skills. Our product is designed to be practical and user-friendly, making it the perfect tool for busy Occupational Therapists who want to provide the best possible care for their students. You may use this booklet to assess where your client is developmentally in order to inform intervention planning or task planning for special education. This booklet covers 8 key areas, including: - Pre-Writing & Handwriting - Pencil Gasp - Drawing - Coloring - Beading - Stacking Blocks - Puzzles - In-hand Manipulation Skills