Preschool Learning Pack

A file or printable companion for Boom Cards

File Thumbnail

by Yona's Work

Price: 500 points or $5 USD


Grades: 14,13,1,11,12

Description: This pack contains 15 pages, each with a different task where your little one will be able to practice tracing, writing, counting, coloring, identifying letters/number and shapes...and be able to identify "same and different" The pages can be laminated and be used several times using a dry-erase marker. Page 1 -All about my name - Kids will need to color the letters that their name contains. Page 2 & 3 -Trace numbers from 1-10 Page 4 & 5 - Count objects Page 6 & 7 - Find the missing numbers from 1 - 10 Page 8 - Trace the shapes Page 9 - Trace upper case letters Page 10 - Trace lower case letters Page 12 & 12 - Fill in the missing letters Page 13 - Same and different Page 14 & 15 -Color objects to match the color word