Feelings and Emotions Coloring Pages

A file or printable companion for Boom Cards

File Thumbnail

by Catapult Learning

Price: 240 points or $2.4 USD

Subjects: ela,englishSecondLanguage,selfAwareness,socialAwareness,selfManagement

Grades: 13,1,2,3,4

Description: Unlock a world where colors meet feelings, and words bring emotions to life! Introducing our specially designed coloring pages, derived from the acclaimed Speak & Spark series. Each page showcases a vivid emotional scene, inviting students to immerse in a sensory experience of colors. But there's more than meets the eye! Beneath every illustration, we've added lines for writing practice. Students can: - Describe the vibrant scenes they color. - Share their personal feelings and connect with the emotions displayed. - Simply label the core emotion for vocabulary reinforcement. Perfect for English language learners, Kindergarten and low elementary classes, or any young mind eager to merge the world of art with the richness of language and emotion. With "Emotions in Color & Words", teaching becomes a journey of self-expression, emotional exploration, and linguistic discovery.