EnergyTask Card Breakout Code

A file or printable companion for Boom Cards

File Thumbnail

by It's Science

Price: 350 points or $3.5 USD


Grades: 5,6,7,8

Description: Cure student boredom with this Energy Task Cards Code Game Activity and allow students to move around the room! This makes a great unit review activity for your study of energy. The questions cover the definitions, 2 states of energy (kinetic, potential), the 6 forms of energy, and transformations. Students race to see who will be first to get the final 4-digit code! Students roam around the room looking for task cards and answering questions. The 24 task cards enable students to spread themselves throughout the room. Each question’s answer will be SHADED or COLORED on the student recording sheet. In the end, students add up all of their “GEM” answers to reveal a 4-digit code.