Telling Time Flower Craft

A file or printable companion for Boom Cards

File Thumbnail

by The Connett Connection

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: time,measurementAndData,mathElementary,math,firstDayOfSpring

Grades: 13,1,2

Description: Make telling time fun and hands on with this flower craftivity. Students are able to practice telling time math facts while creating a fun display craft at the same time! There are several different flowers included so students can work on different telling time concepts. This flower craft is for kindergarten or first grade students who are practicing telling time to the hour, half hour, nearest 5 minutes, and minute. Students will love creating their own flower craft to be displayed in the classroom. What is Included: 13 flower craft templates Students will have the opportunity to match the analog clock with the correct time to create their flower craft, or they will be able to draw the correct time on each clock to complete their flower craft. Types of Telling Time Skills Included Telling Time to the Hour Telling Time to the Half Hour Telling Time is the Nearest 5 Minutes Telling Time to the Minute Students will love being able to express their creativity by completing this craft. Students will stay more engaged with this activity than your standard telling time worksheet. Each template is print and go! Each flower craft template is on a single page for easy printing and set up. You simple give the page to students and they color, cut and glue their flower craft. These flowers make great classroom displays! Bulletin Board Display Classroom Door Display Hallway Display