Halloween Short Stories Printable Worksheets | Halloween Passages & Wh Questions

A file or printable companion for Boom Cards

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by Speech Your Mind

Price: 450 points or $4.5 USD


Grades: 1,2,3,4,5

Description: Halloween Short Stories Printable Worksheets | Halloween Passages & Wh-Questions 4 Stories ! 4 Levels ! Are your students working on reading and/or auditory comprehension? This no-prep printable resource is geared toward elementary students (or older students with more severe language impairments) who are working on answering WH questions about short, simple stories about Halloween. 4 Levels of questions: Yes-No Questions, WH-Questions Multiple Choice (4 text options), WH-Questions Open Ended & Opinion/Making Connections Questions, and a WH-Graphic Organizer with symbols. 4 Stories: The Dark House, Costume Change, Halloween Parade, Trunk or Treat. **WHEN PRINTING, BE SURE TO CHOOSE 'FIT TO PRINTABLE AREA **