Spring Speech and Language No Prep Worksheets

A file or printable companion for Boom Cards

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by Speech Language Lady

Price: 500 points or $5 USD


Grades: 13,1,2,3

Description: These no prep spring themed speech and language worksheets are perfect for print and go therapy materials or to send home as homework. The language targets included are for elementary school students in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, and third grade and include the following objectives: Synonyms: Identifying synonym pairs matching game & generating a synonym given a target term Antonyms: Identifying antonym pairs matching game & generating an opposite given a target term Adjectives: Identifying adjectives to finish cloze-sentences & generating an adjective to finish cloze-sentences Following 1-Step and 2-Step Directions: 1 and 2 Step directions coloring and cut and glue worksheets. Prepositions - Spatial Concepts: Following 1-step directions with spatial concepts (receptive spatial concepts) WH- Questions: Generating answers to WH- questions given a visual tool & identifying answers to WH- questions in a field of 3 (who, what, when, where, and why) Compare and Contrast: Identifying similarities and differences to compare and contrast two pictures. Past Tense Verbs: Generating the regular and irregular past tense form of a verb. Categories: Stating the names of categories when shown pictures & listing items in a category Listening Comprehension: Answer 3 WH- questions following short, spring themed stories. Speech Sound Articulation: Work on K and G, F and V, S and Z, L and L blends, S blends, R and R blends, SH, CH, J, and Voiced/Voiceless TH with spring vocab