Area and Circumference of Circles Escape Room for Pi Day or Any Day

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by Great Classroom Escape

Price: 450 points or $4.5 USD

Subjects: math,mathMiddleSchool,geometricalFigures,midSchoolGeometry,holiday,piDay

Grades: 6,7,8

Description: Finding the circumference and area of a circle will help your students escape the Oval, I mean Circle, Office in this engaging digital escape room. This online activity is perfect for Pi Day on March 14 (3.14) or any time to review geometry standards relating to the formulas for area and circumference of a circle. Puzzles will have students deriving pi by finding the ratio between a circle's circumference and diameter, finding the area of a portion of a circle, solving problems to open a safe, and much more. The puzzles in this online breakout go beyond the basic calculations of area and circumference using radius and diameter. Skills needed to complete this escape room: -Understand the relationship between the radius and the diameter of a circle -Know that the formula to find the circumference of a circle is C=pi x d -Know that the formula to find the area of a circle is A=pi x r^2 -Solve word problems requiring finding the radius, diameter, circumference, or area of a circle -Find the area of a portion of a circle -When given an area in terms of pi, find the radius of the circle (if the area of a circle is 36pi, what is the radius?) -When given a circumference, find the diameter by solving the equation for d -Solve simple substitution ciphers -Solve equations by substituting values for variables Have a firm grasp of 7th grade geometry standard 7.G.B.4 Online breakouts are great for review, enrichment, test prep, and to increase student engagement & collaboration!