Growth Mindset and Perseverance - School Counseling SEL

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by Bright Futures Counseling

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: sel,specialed

Grades: 1,2,3,4,5

Description: With these Growth Mindset Boom Cards, students will learn how to face challenges with a growth mindset. They will reframe difficult situations as a chance to learn and grow. They will also discover that growth comes from practice rather than luck. ** Updated to included audio on every slide to help with students that are still getting better at reading ** Developing a growth mindset helps students understand that they are not innately better or worse than other students. If they want to improve they just need to stretch their mind and apply themselves. Benefit To Students: Reframing challenges and stumbles as a chance to learn and grow will help students in every aspect of their lives. Cultivating a strong growth mindset is a key component of developing students' perseverance. Establishing these strong interpersonal skills early in life will give students the confidence they need to excel in the classroom and in their social life.