I Can Calm Down- Social-Emotional Puppet Video & Game- Self Regulation

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by Annie's Classroom

Price: not for individual sale

Subjects: sel

Grades: 14,13,1,2,3

Description: I regularly use real-life puppets in my classroom to deliver social-emotional lessons for my students but because of Covid I started videotaping them. In this video lesson (which is one of my students favorite), Tommy is pretending to be a pirate and shows all the gold coins he found only to find that some are missing. He gets extremely frustrated but remembers how to calm down and solve his problem. This is all followed by comprehension questions about the video and what you should do when you become frustrated. My students LOVE watching these puppet videos as do my kids at home! I use these to assess how my students are doing in the social- emotional area (do they understand rules, do they understand consequences, do they understand emotions, do they understand solving-problems, do the understand calming down, empathy ect.) Includes: -14 slides -First slide is directions -Second slide is the video (approximately 6.5 minutes long) - Slides 3-14 are comprehension questions regarding the story and what you should do to calm down when you become frustrated. All questions and possible answers are read to the child by clicking on the voice prompt (so students do not need to be able to read) -2 choices of answers/card Let's Be Friends! Follow me on here and on Instagram @anniesclassroom for more FREE activities you can do with kids! Thanks for visiting my store:)