by Bilingual Speech Therapy Resources
Price: 350 points or $3.5 USD
Subjects: speech,receptiveLanguage,expressiveLanguage,reading,ela
Grades: 13,1,2
Description: Answering How and Why questions is an important part of literacy. Many students can answer Who/What/Where/When questions, but what about How and Why? They are more challenging to answer for many students. This community helpers unit introduces students to How and Why questions in a way that makes them easier to understand through the context of community helpers. The How and Why of how occupations work makes it easier for students to answer these types of questions since they may already have some background knowledge about the occupations presented. Occupations presented: Plumbers Veterinarians Teachers Garbage Collectors Auto Mechanics Painters Postal Workers Construction Workers Dentists Librarians Reporters Firefighters Janitors Bakers The first slide is a story that the student can read or the instructor can read it to the student. Then the next slide is a How question and the final slide is a Why question. 14 scenarios in total are presented with a total page count of 41 I HIGHLY SUGGEST you get on my email list: (this link is case sensitive for the freebie) for freebies and other email fun.