Les légumes: Listen and Spell

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by Madame Giblin

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: language,instructionalFrench,instructionalFrenchCanadian,nativelanguage,nativeEnglish

Grades: 6,7,8,9,10

Description: 60 cards to learn or review spelling and listening comprehension of vegetables in French! VOCABULARY* l’ail, le brocoli, la carotte, le champignon, le chou, le concombre, les épinards, les haricots verts, la laitue, le maïs, l’oignon, les petits pois, le poivron, la pomme de terre, la tomate ACTIVITIES: 1. Three click-and-listen vocabulary list cards 2. Listen and click on the vegetable 3. Read and click on the correct vegetable 4. Write the vegetable in French 5. Listen and drag the letters to spell the vegetable NYS STANDARDS: Theme B. Food and Meal-Taking Standard 1: Interpretive Communication (Listening, Reading) Standard 3: Presentational Communication (Writing) OPTIONS: *You can remove any cards that you do not want your students to use by clicking HIDE CARD after purchase. **Both definite (le, la) and indefinite articles (un, une) accepted for the written responses when appropriate.