3 Step Sequencing Pictures no.2

deck thumbnail

by Augment HS

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: cognition,instructionalEnglish,speakingListening,cognitionSequencing,vocabAcquisitionAndUse,expressiveLanguage,receptiveLanguage

Grades: 14,13,1,2

Description: This sequencing deck is perfect for teletherapy. It includes sequences with 3 steps. Drag and drop the pictures to the first, next, then and last boxes. This is an open ended deck and there is no right or wrong the pictures can be placed in the sequence that the child chooses. Then the adult needs to discuss the sequence and help the child work out if it is correct. Click next to go to the following sequence or the home button to choose the next sequence you want to use. Accessible text Sequences included Block tower Put on socks Sharpen pencils Paper plane Feed the cat Blow up a balloon Put on a jacket Open a present Spaceship landing Pick up clothes