Price: 500 points or $5 USD
Subjects: biogeology,biology,biodiversityAndHumans,ecosystemsDynamicsFunctioningAndResilience,ecology,science,earthAndSpaceScience
Grades: 5,6,7,8,9
Description: Embedded video lesson on first slide! Then students answer 30 questions. Coral reefs are underwater habitats composed of coral polyps, which are animals that create a structure by attaching themselves to rocks on the ocean floor. Coral reefs support a diverse range of sea plants and animals, influencing the food chain and providing protection to sea creatures from predators. The importance of plants, such as zooxanthellae, algae, seagrass, seaweed, and kelp, within coral reefs is highlighted. The growth process of coral reefs is described, emphasizing how they attract a multitude of ocean animals. The benefits of coral reefs include shoreline protection, habitat provision for sea animals, assistance for marine biologists in monitoring marine ecosystems, nutrient recycling, and economic contributions through fishing and tourism. However, coral reefs are facing destruction due to factors like fragility, rising ocean temperatures, rising sea levels, climate change, and pollution. The lesson concludes by suggesting ways to help, such as recycling, volunteering with environmental organizations, donating to coral reef conservation efforts, and spreading awareness among family and friends.