Magic E / CVCe Long a - Activities FREE SAMPLER

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by Carrie Lutz

Price: not for individual sale

Subjects: ela,reading,foundationalSkills

Grades: 13,1,2

Description: This is a FREE Sampler to the product described below. You can watch the video directions along with practicing one of each of the formats in this set. I hope this is a fit for your students. Your students will enjoy practice CVCe / Magic e words in an engaging way. Making sentences, answering questions, matching text to pictures and naming pictures are the four formats in this set of engaging and fun BOOM Cards. Each set has a VIDEO directions card . Some task cards have reminder directions if students click the speaker. This set of Digital Task Cards are NOT quick and easy. It will take some time for students to complete the deck. Since there are four different formats, it may be beneficial for lower students to do one set at a time. :) The First 6 Cards: Using a word bank, your student will type in words that match a picture. There are 6 pictures on a page. The SECOND 6 Cards: Your students will look at a picture and answer YES or No to a sentence under the picture. The THIRD 6 Cards: Your student will be given 3 pictures and 3 sentences about those pictures. They must drag the correct sentence to the matching sentence. The Last 6 Cards: Your students will arrange words in the correct order to tell about a picture. They must use correct capital letters and punctuation to be successful. Students can click the speaker for reminders about capital letters and punctuation.