Les fruits et légumes séquence Compréhension orale French Fruits and Vegetables

deck thumbnail

by Speak Up Language Learners

Price: 150 points or $1.5 USD

Subjects: language,nativeFrenchCanadian,nativeFrench,nativelanguage,instructionalFrenchCanadian,instructionalFrench

Grades: 13,1,2

Description: This set of sequencing cards will get your students working with listening & reading comprehension & fruit & vegetables vocabulary. Each card includes a short reading passage with audio. Audio recorded by native French speaker from Canada. Students will listen & read and then click & drag the images to order them as they are mentioned in the paragraph. Fruit & vegetables included are: les fraises, oranges, ananas, bananes, pommes, raisins, framboises, poires, citrons, pêches, la laitue, les oignons, carottes, le céleri, brocoli, chou-fleur, maïs, les pommes de terre et concombres.