Dynamics in Music - Loud, Soft, Forte, Piano Ear Training

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by Melody Payne - Music for a Lifetime

Price: 350 points or $3.5 USD

Subjects: music,musicPiano,musicElementarySkills

Grades: 14,13,1,2

Description: These 20 beginning piano ear training cards review loud and soft dynamics, and the instructions use the terms loud, forte, soft, and piano. Perfect for beginning piano lessons, elementary music class, and more. These cards can be used with any young student who is learning about piano and forte. Students listen to a short sound from outer space and drag the astronaut to Planet Forte if it is a loud sound, or to Planet Piano if it is a soft sound. Cards are randomized so that each time a student plays the game, the cards will be in a different order. Perfect for online piano lessons, music class, distance learning, and much more!