Stuttering Modification Strategies

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by The Speech Shack

Price: 600 points or $6 USD

Subjects: speech,speechFluency

Grades: 2,3,4,5,6

Description: This activity introduces stuttering modification strategies (slide-outs and cancellations) to reduce stuttering at the sentence and conversational levels. Additionally, this activity contains passages to practice strategies while reading aloud. There are 10 sentences, 6 conversational prompts, 10 picture scenes, and 3 reading passages (with 6 follow-up questions per passage) for each stuttering modification strategy. The reading passages contain: 1 procedure; 1 nonfiction; 1 fiction. Questions are provided on most slides to assist in determining level of tension and release. Definitions of slide-outs and cancellations are provided. Bonus content consists of an interactive speech machine.