My summer issues🌴 Beach hazards & problem solving

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by French Café 🥐

Price: 220 points or $2.2 USD

Subjects: games,holiday,healthPhysEd,ot,socialstudies,sel,specialed

Grades: 0

Description: 📚 Deck Topic : Problem Solving (social skills) & Summer Hazards In this summer series, all the given situations take place on summer holidays displays : - At the water park - At the beach - At the summer camp - At the barbecue Student will read a very short story and face certain situations : - Identifying a danger and tell your friend - Say no to a friend who displays a dangerous behaviour - How to handle when an adult as an inapropriate behaviour - Identifying hazards at the beach, at the swimming pool, at the camp, at the barbecue. - Safety measures with fire - Safety measure with water 🃏 This deck has two type of cards : Type 1 : Student read a short story, get involved with a character, and has to decide the appropriate reaction to the situation at play : mutlple answer card. Type 2 : Student sees a setting (ie : Beach) and has to spot the hazards clicking on them: cognitiion activity card 👀 You can of course take a sneak peek at our deck to confirm it fits your student/child needs ! Enjoy the summer <3 French Café.