Naming Described Objects – School Supplies 🖍️📚

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by Meredith Taylor SLP

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: englishSecondLanguage,elaLanguage,vocabAcquisitionAndUse,comprehensionAndCollaboration,receptiveLanguage,speech,firstDayOfAutumn

Grades: 14,13,1,2

Description: Students will name a described SCHOOL SUPPLY object after being given three clues. The vocabulary of the items the child will be naming can be previewed by clicking on each picture and labeling it on the index page. Each of the 4 tiles are draggable (3 clue tiles and the "What am I?" tile). When the clue tiles are removed, a portion of the target item is revealed. Underneath the "What am I?" tile is the text of the label of the object. This deck allows you to easily differentiate instruction for each student by scaffolding the prompts. Read the clues and keep the tiles in place, in order for the child to guess the object from the auditory descriptions only, without a picture cue. If a student is still in the learning phase of this skill, allow the clue tiles to be moved to the side to reveal a third of the picture, one by one, to give visual prompts, until the child is successful in naming the item - or the entire picture is revealed. The deck will be shuffled into a new game for every play so that there is no memorization of the order of the target items. Consider revisiting the open-ended scene on page 3 of the deck after completing the lesson for another way to present the same vocabulary to monitor the student's receptive or expressive skills.