Price: 600 points or $6 USD
Subjects: sel,selfAwareness,responsibleDecisionMaking,selfManagement,socialAwareness,relationshipSkills
Grades: 7,8,9,10,11
Description: Great SEL deck teaching about gratitude to middle high school teen students. Students learn how gratitude looks, sounds and feels! Includes: Student self-rating of gratitude, Knowledge check how well do they understand gratitude? Gratitude: what is it? How does gratitude look? Body language, facial expressions, drag and drop, How does it feel when others express it? Drag and drop, Click on statements that reflect gratitude, Grammar: prefix "un" and suffixes "ful" and "less," Vocabulary: synonyms, antonyms, complete sentences, Idioms: match gratitude idioms to meanings, Gratitude scenarios: students underline ungrateful aspects of scenarios and flip them to ones of gratitude, (multiple choice with covers and type the answers), Expressing gratitude, examples, Express gratitude to target people, What are you grateful for TODAY? Learning Supports include: audio directions, home page, back and forth arrows, scaffolded learning, photographs and graphics pertinent to content, screen-reader accessible. Photographs featured are of older students with diverse skin colors. Students respond by checking/circling T/F, yes/no, multiple choice, drag and drop, and typed responses, giving students of all abilities a chance to be successful!