Price: 400 points or $4 USD
Subjects: math,mathElementary,money,measurementAndData
Grades: 4,5
Description: Math money game will let your students practice adding and subtracting decimals while having fun! This is perfect for introducing students to money in decimal notation. After solving 2 task cards, students get to play Spot The Same game, a pure non-math-related game. Want your students to be excited and engaged as they do some calculation of money? Then buy this now! 👉Key Features ✔Math game with money ✔34 Task Cards ✔After every 2 cards, students get to play Spot The Same ✔Fun & Engaging! ✔A variety of questions ✔3 Formats: Printable, Easel, Boom Cards ✔Singapore Primary 3 | 4th to 5th Grade 👉Math Skills 1) Adding coins to money in decimal notation 2) Adding and subtracting money in decimal notation 3) Solving word problems involving addition and subtraction of money in decimal notation 4) Multiplying and dividing money in whole numbers 5) Multiplying with 2 digits by 2 digits 6) Find total, difference, and change 👉Great for: •Practice or Drills •Math Centers •Independent Work •Early Finishers •Homework •Mini-lesson •Tech Station