St. Patrick's Day Gross Motor Break with Animated GIFs

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by CreativeCOTA LLC

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: ot,specialed,healthPhysEd,mentalHealth,selfManagement,emotionalAndBehavioralSkills

Grades: 13,1,2,3

Description: Energize your students with our "St. Patrick's Day Gross Motor Break with Animated GIFs" Boom Cards—a dynamic and engaging digital resource designed for quick, no-prep brain breaks. These cards serve as an effective tool for enhancing focus and preparing students for learning activities. Perfect for various settings, including occupational therapy, physical education, and indoor recess, these St. Patrick's Day-themed exercises offer a blend of fun and fitness. Students can select a number and watch the animated GIFs, completing each exercise with enthusiasm. The Occupational Therapy (OT) tip emphasizes the benefits of structured gross motor brain breaks in improving student focus and aiding in classroom management. Regular exercise not only promotes physical fitness but also enhances self-regulation, contributing to more effective learning experiences. Display these Boom Cards on an interactive whiteboard or individual devices, providing flexibility in usage. The set includes 10 different exercises, ensuring a diverse and enjoyable experience for students. Incorporate these St. Patrick's Day-themed gross motor brain breaks into your daily routine to foster a positive and active learning environment. Watch as your students become more focused, engaged, and ready to tackle their academic challenges.