Price: 550 points or $5.5 USD
Subjects: socialstudies
Grades: 0
Description: This set of 50 boom cards teaches students what The Pledge of Allegiance means. It approaches this through the introduction and explanation of the key vocabulary words: pledge, allegiance, liberty, justice, freedom, republic, and indivisible. After the explanation, there are cards scattered throughout the deck that ask and reinforce what the words mean. Within the deck is a lot a repetition of all ideas. Every card is AUDIO SUPPORTED; this means that ALL of the words and choices throughout the entire deck are read to the learner. Students that may have a difficult time remembering in general, are exposed to meanings via sight and sound. This deck is aimed at teaching what the Pledge of Allegiance means to students typically in Special Education and/or who may be labeled as having an Intellectual Disability. It can be used repeatedly for reinforcement.