Pirate Digital Sensory Bin for Talk Like A Pirate

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by Green Tea Speech Therapy

Price: 550 points or $5.5 USD

Subjects: speech

Grades: 14,13,1,2

Description: A pirate theme in speech therapy will be so easy with this digital sensory bin for articulation, language, and EET! Perfect for Talk Like A Pirate Day and mixed groups. This Boom Card deck includes targets for articulation & phonology + plenty of sentence strips and describing prompts, making it the easiest no prep & no mess activity for mixed groups you can find! Your pirate theme will go off without a hitch! This resource includes 49 total Boom Cards targeting articulation & phonology. Each card has sentence strips and prompts to describe objects found in the sensory bin using the Expanding Expression Tool (EET). With digital sensory bins, there’s no need to prep or spend time shopping for all those fillers. These Boom Cards have everything you need! Targets and adorable gems to dig through. No need to clean up messy sensory bins either! Digital sensory bins have all the fun of a regular sensory bin, but no prep and no mess! ✨Included in this activity:✨ Targets for… B (INITIAL, MEDIAL, FINAL) P (INITIAL, MEDIAL, FINAL) T (INITIAL, MEDIAL, FINAL) D (INITIAL, MEDIAL, FINAL) K (INITIAL, MEDIAL, FINAL) G (INITIAL, MEDIAL, FINAL) F (INITIAL, MEDIAL, FINAL) V (mixed) S (INITIAL, MEDIAL, FINAL) Z (mixed) SH (mixed) CH (mixed) J (mixed) L (INITIAL, MEDIAL, FINAL) R (initial) ER AR OR IRE EAR AIR S Blends L Blends R Blends Stopping Gliding Voicing Fronting Final Consonant Deletion Cluster Reduction Each card also includes sentence strips and prompts for describing using EET.