Syllables & Affixes: More Syllable Juncture in VCV and VCCV Patterns Word Sort

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by MrsBBC

Price: 195 points or $1.95 USD

Subjects: ela

Grades: 3,4,5,6,7

Description: This activity is a traditional word sort where students will drag a word and drop it into the correct column to sort by word sound, syllable pattern, spelling pattern, and/ or word feature. This can be used as a stand alone sorting activity or as a supplemental activity for any word pattern program including the Words Their Way Syllables and Affixes Spellers phonics, vocabulary and spelling instruction program. Word list works with S&A Word Sort 14 in the third edition and Word Sort 13 in the second edition. Word Sort directions slide WITH AUDIO included. Word patterns: -open syllable VCV long vowel (example: si/lent)) -closed syllable VCCV short vowel with doublet (example: hap/pen) -closed syllable VCCV short vowel with different consonants (example: win/ter) This file is an independent product and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Words Their Way™ or Pearson Education.