Let's Generalize /r/ in Conversation

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by We Love Speech

Price: 1000 points or $10 USD

Subjects: speech,specialed

Grades: 13,1,2,3,4

Description: Generalization of speech sounds is the final step of speech sound therapy, and often the most difficult step. Keep your students engaged while addressing generalization of prevocalic and vocalic /r/ (initial /r/, "air," "ar," "ear," "ire," "er," "or," "rl") in 6 different activities. Activities include: 1. "Would you rather/What would you choose" questions (24 question cards in total, 3 each for initial /r/, "air," "ar," "ear," "ire," "er," "or," "rl") ***NOTE: In the center-right space of these 24 cards, there are invisible, moveable squares. When moved, they reveal sentence ideas to inspire your students to say more. They are invisible so as to not be distracting. 2. Comparing/Contrasting (2 cards including initial /r/ and "air" words to compare and contrast by dragging facts to their corresponding item) 3. Memorization game with photos (student looks at 6 pictures on one slide, then is asked to identify which pictures they saw on the next slide from a display of 12 choices). (16 cards) 4. Create your own tongue twister or story - photo/word bank included, as well as space to type your creation (8 card, one for each context ) 5. Uncover and practice telling /r/-loaded jokes (6 jokes on 1 card) 6. Movement challenges - these 6 movement challenges are designed to be completed after the other 5 activities as they refer back to elements of previous activities. (1 card)