Price: 600 points or $6 USD
Subjects: speech
Grades: 14,13,1
Description: This BOOM CARDS™ language deck is a motivating and interactive resource that can be used across your caseload! Children LOVE food-theme activities making this exciting and fun. This Beachside Ice Cream Shop theme deck comes with 12 activities that target a variety of early language goals. Some of these goals include: Requesting (Build your Own Cone) Describing (Describing Ice Cream Toppings) Following-directions (Two and Three-step directions - Taking Ice Cream Orders) Pronouns (He/she/they) Possessive Pronouns (His/Hers/Theirs) Spatial concepts (in, on, under, next to, behind, beside, between) Sequencing (How to Make a Sundae) Sentence Structure (What are the customers doing? Pronoun+copula+verb-ing) There is also an open-ended Beachside Ice Cream Shop scene which allows you to pick virtually ANY goal! Take a peek at the main menu in the preview to view all of the activities and suggested goals. **INCLUDED FEATURES: Each activity comes with a suggested goal/use but the pages are interactive and come with draggable features like draggable sentence strips and visuals. This allows YOU to chose how you want to use each page. You can keep these features on the screen or you can hide them by dragging them off to the side or keeping them under their draggable covers.