Identify Farm Animals-'I See' Carrier Phrases-Photo Supports

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by Strange Duck Studio

Price: 450 points or $4.5 USD

Subjects: specialed,speech,modalitiesAAC,expressiveLanguage,receptiveLanguage,communicationSkills,Special Autism

Grades: 14,13,1,2

Description: Target: Farm Animal Identification, increasing vocabulary and increasing sentence length. This deck targets the identification of 12 farm animals. Card 2: Target farm animal identification using pictures, labels and audio. Cards 3-14:  Test comprehension by engaging in interactive questioning using the prompt 'What do you see?' Cards 15: Students learn about basic sentence structure using interactive blocks, audio, pictures & text. Cards 16-27: Students begin to build their first sentences using the carrier phrase 'I see'. At every step of the way, there is audio, visual supports & labels to aid understanding. Extra Support! Audio Support: Each label, such as 'cow' or 'see,' has its own audio. You can also listen to the full sentence, like 'I see a cow,' by clicking the 'Audio Cue' button. Visual Supports: Visual supports, in this case, realistic images (photos), are included with every label to assist with comprehension. This three-pronged approach—audio, visual, and text—offers an effective combination, facilitating easier understanding for students while making learning enjoyable.