IP CVC Word Family

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by Freckled In Kinder

Price: 150 points or $1.5 USD

Subjects: ela

Grades: 13

Description: The IP Word Family boom cards™ are a perfect introduction for students who are beginning to read and build words! These 12 digital tasks cards focus on a variety of phonic skills and the directions automatically play. The the first three slides introduce the IP family and students practice identifying the IP family picture cards. There are 3 different boom cards where students read the words in different formats. There are 3 different word building boom cards, with ones include building the words with the onset and rime and with individual letters. One boom card where students identify if the pictures have IP or no IP. One boom card where students read a sentence and finish the sentence with the missing word. Lastly the boom deck finishes with watching the Jack Hartmann YouTube video about the IP word family.