Suites logiques des amis AAB | KIDS PATTERNS AAB

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by Beary Bears Learning

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: math,instructionalFrench,instructionalFrenchCanadian,nativeFrench,nativeFrenchCanadian,patterns

Grades: 14,13,1

Description: Les suites logiques AAB - Complète la suite logique. ***** Kids Patterns AAB- Complete the patterns. ***** Here are simple, interactive, and self-correcting games that will allow your students to practice and discriminate an AAB pattern. This deck has 15 cards. This game is also found in the bundle "Ensemble Les suites logiques des amis #1 School Kids Patterns Bundle". ☼ If you enjoyed the game, please leave a review. It would be greatly appreciated. I would also love to hear and see how you are using this product in your classroom or for at-home learning. Please consider tagging me on your posts. ♥♥ Thanks for visiting my Boom Learning store. ♥♥